Act of Valor
It is not hyperbole to say that Act of Valor is the most unique movie ever made. In much the same fashion, the novelization of this movie, Tom Clancy Presents: Act of Valor is also a unique novel. The book was published on January and has enjoyed a steady presence on the New York Times best-seller list, residing in the top-ten for an extended period. It has also been recognized with the Military Writers of America Book Award in the Thriller/Mystery category. you can visit to pick up your own copy.
While some novelizations bear little resemblance to the movies they purport to ‘novelize,’ due to our close coordination with Act of Valor directors Mike ‘Mouse” McCoy and Scott Waugh, as well as our first-person association with members of the Navy Special Warfare community, Tom Clancy Presents: Act of Valor is truly aligned with the movie Act of Valor and the two are virtually inseparable. This reader/viewer’s reaction is typical:
I was really glad I had read the book before I saw the movie. They did such a good job of pulling things together in the book. I think the movie is even more enjoyable after reading the book. I also liked how the book developed the family.
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