WWII Magazine Reviews The Kissing Sailor
Posted in Blog,Book NewsJune 13, 2012No comments

To read the full review please see the attached .PDF
Posted in Blog,Book NewsJune 13, 2012No comments
To read the full review please see the attached .PDF
Posted in Blog,Book NewsJune 13, 2012No comments
Annapolis, MD—David Hartman, the original host of Good Morning America and foreword author of The Kissing Sailor: The Mystery Behind the Photo That Ended World War II by Lawrence Verria and George Galdorisi, will be interviewed on ABC’s morning talk show, The View. The taping will take place on June 20th and the show will air on June 22nd. All members of the studio audience will be the lucky recipients of a complimentary copy of the much discussed book. Please check your local listings for air times.
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Dear George,
I write to tell you what a superb job Larry Verria did today in introducing and explaining the book to a capacity audience at the Naval War College Museum. In roughly 40 minutes, he made an exceptional presentation and built his (and your) case for George Mendosa’s claim to fame elaborately, methodically – and most importantly – credibly. Then George got up and had a few words to buttress the claim and showed his arms as physical evidence. When he also spoke of his wife of 68 years, he clinched the deal for any doubting Thomases left in the audience.
Read morePosted in Blog,Book NewsJune 11, 2012No comments
June 10, 2012
On Aug. 14, 1945, the day Japan’s surrender to the United States was announced, Times Square in New York City was overrun with crowds celebrating the end of the war. Overcome with emotion, a sailor spontaneously embraced and kissed a woman in a white uniform. Unbeknownst to the couple, Life magazine photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt captured the moment.
Read morePosted in Blog,Book NewsJune 11, 2012No comments
Sailor in iconic photo identified as Middletown man
By FLO JONIC (2012-06-11)
PROVIDENCE, RI (RIPR) – It’s been a mystery for decades. But now two Rhode Island authors say they have unlocked the identity of the sailor who kissed a woman dressed in white in Times Square on August 14, 1945 – the day the surrender of Japan was announced. They’ve identified the sailor in the iconic photo as a Middletown man.
Read morePosted in Blog,Book NewsJune 6, 2012No comments
–by David Axelson
Perhaps the most iconic image of the 20th Century was taken by “Life Magazine” photo journalist Alfred Eisenstaedt August 14, 1945 in Times Square in New York City. The occasion was V-J Day, or Victory over Japan Day, which ended World War II. Eisenstaedt’s subjects for the photo were a young sailor and a woman wearing a white uniform locked in an embrace. Coronado author George Galdorisi (Capt. USN-Ret.), who along with co-author Larry Verria, has written a book entitled “The Kissing Sailor” which explores the identities of the couple depicted in the photo.
Read morePosted in Blog,National SecurityJune 4, 2012No comments
On his blog site, Dr. Andrew Erickson of the U.S. Naval War College’s China Maritime Studies Institute (CMSI) reviewed our forthcoming Naval War College Review article, Brad Hicks, George Galdorisi, and Scott C. Truver, “The Aegis BMD Global Enterprise: A ‘High-End’ Maritime Partnership,” Naval War College Review, 65.3 (Summer 2012). So what’s the connection?
Read morePosted in Blog,National SecurityJune 1, 2012No comments
While it would be too much of a stretch to say World War III will start there, it is beyond argument that the tensions in the South China Sea (SCS) have been a source of extreme friction that has escalated into conflict between China and her smaller neighbors. Five years ago, few people paid attention to the SCS. Now they are – and for good reason.
Read morePosted in Blog,National SecurityMay 29, 2012No comments
The Grand Challenge
As a naval analyst looking at major military trends, one of the most cutting-edge and intriguing technologies out there is in the area of autonomous systems. But are we really leveraging this awesome technology in the most effective way. Maybe not.
Read morePosted in Blog,Book NewsMay 24, 2012No comments
CEDAR FALLS — On Aug. 14, 1945, millions of Americans rejoiced at the end of World War II, but perhaps none more than U.S. Navy Sailor George Mendonsa.
Better known as “the Kissing Sailor,” Mendonsa’s moment of joy was captured by Life magazine and became a treasured piece of Americana.
On Tuesday, part of that history arrived in Waterloo.
As a part of the 2012 National Spirit of ’45 Day public awareness campaign, Robert Corpus and Chris “Woody” Woodall have been traveling across the U.S., making stops at museums and memorials to recognize those who sacrificed during World War II.
And they do not travel alone.
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